Our First Storefront Location!

HUGE news!  Delia Langan Jewelry now has a storefront location in Williamsburg!  I recently joined a small co-op of jewelry designers located at 242 GRAND JEWELRY on 242 Grand Street, Brooklyn, NY.  The store is just a few blocks from the Bedford L stop and features the work of several designers who share a working studio space in the back.  

This is the first time I've ever worked alongside other designers and it has been one of the best things I've ever done.  It's nice to not be alone in a studio everyday, and to have other creative people to learn from and bounce ideas off of.  The neighborhood is fantastic - tons of shopping, great restaurants and cool bars.  Most of my inventory is still online, but I have a great collection of my best sellers as well as one-of-a-kind pieces that are not available online in the store.

If you're in the area, please stop by!

242 Grand Jewelry delia langan jewelry store williamsburg brooklyn 11211

242 Grand Jewelry Workshop