Happy New Year! 2019 Recap & 2020 Resolutions

Happy 2020!  We've taken a nice little breather from our usual social / email activity, since the holidays are such a fun but exhausting time.  But now we're back! (I still owe myself a proper vacation, though!)

2019 was one of my favorite years of DLJ.  One of my 2019 resolutions was to take time to separate from the pressure of running a business for time to be creative.  Early in the year I treated myself to a well deserved, brand new camera and lens, and decided to devote my year to improving my on-model photography and styling skills.

delia langan photography

I had a *great* time shooting at the beach in Southampton, and experimenting with different props and backgrounds for more creative photoshoots. 

We also soft launched a new website in the spring (hopefully you noticed!) which made it much easier to use our site on mobile.

For 2020 my resolution is going to be more jewelry focused.  I am hoping to improve on and learn new skills in order expand the styles of jewelry available from DLJ, and allow myself to be even more creative with my designs.

Another exciting thing to look forward to is that we are turning TEN YEARS OLD AT THE END OF THIS MONTH!  We're going to celebrate with something special . . . so stay tuned!

What are your New Years resolutions?  I'd love to hear them - comment below!